Course Description

Introduction to
Environmental Forensic Chemistry -
Recalcitrant Compounds

PAHs, PCBs, Dioxins and Furans – These contaminant types are actually composed of dozens of individual chemical compounds that can persist in the environment for decades.  Let’s explore how we can compare these chemical types and their recalcitrant properties to look back in time and identify sources.

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MSc, PEng (BC, SK, YK)

Guy Patrick

Guy Patrick is a contaminant hydrogeologist and environmental engineer with over 30 years of experience in the assessment and remediation of contaminated sites in soil, sediment and bedrock environments. As Managing Director of Patrick Consulting Inc., a founding member of GeoEnviroPro, and a Contaminated Sites Approved Professional in the Province of British Columbia, Mr. Patrick’s expertise includes strong technical review and project oversight, with a focus on the development of innovative approaches in the assessment and clean-up of contaminated sites. As a senior technical specialist, he provides leadership in the investigation and remediation of sites contaminated by inorganic and organic chemical solids and liquids, including dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPL) such as coal tars, chlorinated solvents and mercury. His work experience includes technical review and litigation support on a number of projects in Canada and the US. In addition to consulting, Guy is an Adjunct Professor at UBC, where he has co-taught course in environmental engineering and contaminant hydrogeology.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    PAH Forensics

    • Discussion

    • PAH Forensics
