Course Description
Identification of human receptors, contaminants of concern, and exposure pathways, conceptual exposure model development, chronic daily intake estimation, identifying toxicity reference values, estimating and interpreting hazard quotients and incremental lifetime cancer risk estimates
Scott Steer
Scott is an environmental toxicologist and the principal at Steer Environmental Associates, a consulting firm specializing in the performance and technical management of contaminated sites risk assessment. He is an Approved Risk Assessment Specialist with the Society of Contaminated Sites Approved Professionals of British Columbia with more than fifteen years of experience in contaminated site assessment, human health and ecological risk assessment, and environmental toxicology.
Course curriculum
Module 1 Overview
Module 1 Overview & Schedule
Course Certificates
Module 1
Module 1 - Human Health Risk Assessment Fundamentals
Module 1 - Human Health Risk Assessment Fundamentals Slides
Guidance on Human Health Preliminary Quantitative Risk Assessment (PQRA)
Toxicological Reference Values (TRVs) Guidance
Assignment #1
Assignment #1 Video
Assignment #1
Q&A Session
Module 1: Q&A Session