Course Description

Decisions made around technology selection for management of sites, when considered on a larger scale and number of sites, can impact the changing climate, most notably through the carbon footprint of activities for the investigation and remediation of these sites. In turn, the changing climate is impacting the design and management of contaminated sites. Key factors in climate projections such as sea level rise, flooding, precipitation, wildfires and land erosion have been identified in various guidance on climate adaptation for contaminated sites management.

PH.D., P. ENG.

Parisa Jourabchi

Dr. Parisa Jourabchi is a Senior Environmental Engineer working in site investigation and remediation at Golder Associates. Parisa holds a bachelor of engineering physics and masters in geophysics from UBC, and PhD in geochemistry from Utrecht University, The Netherlands. Parisa specializes in the use of numerical and analytical models applied to vapour intrusion, monitored natural attenuation (MNA) and natural source zone depletion (NSZD). Parisa has worked on several applied research projects that include simulation of methane generation and vapour intrusion for ethanol-blended fuels, CO2 efflux measurements for NSZD rate estimates at a petroleum hydrocarbon impacted site, and the development of toolkits for the evaluation of MNA and NZSD for Shell and the CSAP Society in BC.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Overview of Climate Change Impacts on Site Remediation & Sustainable Management of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Sites

    • Video - Overview of Climate Change Impacts on Site Remediation & Sustainable Management of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Sites

    • Audio - Overview of Climate Change Impacts on Site Remediation & Sustainable Management of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Sites

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  • $150.00 / year

    $150.00 / yearGeoEnviroPro Talks Membership Annual Plan

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