Course Description

  • Objectives
  • Selection process
  • General Technologies
  • Example site
  • Verification/close-out

M.Sc., PChem (BC)

Pete Craig

Pete Craig is a reformed consultant now working with one of BC’s most innovative remediation and infrastructure contractors. With over 15 years of experience in contaminated sites remediation, waste disposal, spill response, cost estimation and project management for projects in multiple provinces, the United States and Europe, his passion for finding effective solutions shines through in his work.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Session 7

    • 20170412_2017RemediationP4T1_remediation101_r1

    • 2017-05-23 09.01 FUNDAMENTALS IN REMEDIATION- Topic 1_ Remediation 101

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  • $45.00

    $45.00Fundamentals in Remediation : In Situ Physical & Chemical Methods

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