Course Description

Data collection, observation and experience has been instrumental in understanding the significance of the vapor intrusion pathway and for informing guidance. This presentation will cover twenty years of data collection that provide insight on data correlations, attenuation factors, importance of fate and transport processes, and site factors.


Dr. Ian Hers

Dr. Ian Hers as founder and Principal of Hers Environmental Consulting, Inc., provides technical advice and expert review on contaminated land investigation and remediation projects locally and globally for clients in the oil and gas, manufacturing, transportation, power and government sectors. Areas of practice include environmental consulting, applied research and development, regulatory review, guidance development, strategic advice, litigation support and expert witness, spill response investigation and remediation, and technical training. Dr. Hers has over 30-years’ experience with expertise in soil vapour intrusion characterization and mitigation, assessment of natural attenuation and biodegradation of subsurface chemicals, site investigation of complex contaminant mixtures, assessment of light and dense non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL and DNAPL), modeling of chemical fate and transport, remediation options evaluations and design, and sustainability assessments. His recent focus is on natural attenuation of organic chemicals including methods and models for evaluating biodegradation, which include projects for American Petroleum Institute, Shell, ExxonMobil and Contaminated Sites Approved Professional Society. He has published over 25 technical papers and guidance documents on vapour intrusion, natural attenuation and LNAPL management. Dr. Hers is a Contaminated Sites Approved Professional in the Province of British Columbia (BC) and holds a Ph.D. from the UBC.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Soil Vapour Innovation & Evolution of the Conceptual Site Model – Learning from 20 Years of Data Collection

    • Discussion

    • Soil Vapour Innovation and Evolution of the Conceptual Site Model – Learning from 20 Years of Data Collection