Course Description

It’s likely background”….That dreaded conversation you have to have with your client, when you know the constituent concentrations in soil and/or groundwater at their site are above standards, but likely background and you haven’t completed all the work needed to prove it.This presentation will discuss one of the main culprits for this uncomfortable conversation: the Contaminated Sites Regulation arsenic soil standards.  The presentation will go through: a timeline of changes to the BC arsenic soil standards in BC, the problem with the standard, other jurisdictions’ arsenic soil clean-up guidelines, what CSAP is looking into on the subject, and the presenter’s own thoughts on changes to the regulatory regime that could make arsenic and other constituents  more manageable within the regulatory process.

Senior Engineer/Partner

John Taylor, PEng, CSAP

John is a professional engineer with over 28 years of experience in environmental engineering. Originally from Ontario, John moved to BC in 1992 and has witnessed the evolution of the Waste Management Act and Criteria for Managing Contaminated Sites in BC, through to the Environmental Management Act and the Contaminated Sites Regulation. He has a thorough understanding of how environmental standards and criteria are developed and their use in environmental projects. He is one of the 6 founding partners of Core6 Environmental.

Course curriculum

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    GPro Talks -'It's likely background...'

    • Discussion

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    • Presentation Slides