Course Description


The choices for remediating salt contaminated soil are limited. Often, excavating contaminated soil and placing it into a landfill facility is the only option. Depending on location and the amount of contamination, this is not always practical or economically viable.

The presentation will review some of the options available for in situ remediation of salts in soil, including a look at case studies involving Earthmaster’s PEPSystems® bacteria/plant technology as a sustainable method for treating contaminated soil and conserve it. The economics of using various methods to treat soil will be discussed along with the carbon benefits of leaving soil in place and treating it.


Senior Scientist, Earthmaster Environmental Strategies Inc.

Elizabeth Murray

Elizabeth W. Murray, Ph.D., P.Biol., R.P.Bio. – Elizabeth Murray is a senior scientist with Earthmaster Environmental Strategies in Calgary, Alberta. Her background is in human genetics and she has worked for more than 20 years in medical related research and in plant based biotechnology, developing biologics as treatments for human diseases. Elizabeth has worked in environmental sciences for over 7 years and leads Earthmaster’s PEPSystems™ research and development program. Liz also plays a lead role in the analysis and reporting of phytoremediation research and results.

Course curriculum

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    GeoPro Talks - In situ Salt Remediation of Soil

    • GeoPro Talks - In situ Salt Remediation of Soil