Course Description

Caro Analytical services in collaboration with the University of Alberta have developed an analysis that focuses on the cumulative effect of a water source on aquatic life regardless of the complexity of the contaminating mixture. Monitoring an immune response through gene expression allows one to identify stress on a species well before exposure becomes fatal or leads to irreversible effects.

The results outlined in this presentation have potential to provide cost-effective methodology for routine and continued monitoring of sites pre-, during, and post-remediation. Bioanalytical end-points will play a large role in our industry moving forward as current analytical methods struggle to stay relevant with a continuously growing list of contaminants of concern. The potential for this technology from both a regulatory and risk-assessment side is immense allowing for simple base lining of an environment while removing uncertainty in scope and ultimately replacing post-contamination sampling programs. This presentation will detail the successes to date and real world applications for this new line of testing with a focus on benefits for stakeholders.

Patrick Novak, B.Sc., P.Chem.

Patrick is the Director & Vice President of CARO Analytical Services which has achieved great success at becoming the leading technical and service oriented commercial analytical laboratory in British Columbia during his tenure. Patrick has over eighteen years of experience in the environmental analytical laboratory industry, providing a diverse range of chemical and microbiology analysis services for environmental and materials samples. Patrick has particula expertise in project management for soil, water and air analysis for contaminated sites, including sampling, chemical analysis, report preparation, interpretation of results and analytical test methods. Patrick has also participated in the design, implementation, and management of numerous environmental study programs, process improvement projects and information technology management initiatives. He also served as the President of the Environmental Managers Association of British Columbia, which is responsible for educating and bringing together environmental  professionals in British Columbia and on the board of the Association of Professional Chemists of BC.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    GPro Talks - Functional Bioassay Platform for Environmental Monitoring

    • Discussion

    • Gpro Talks - Functional Bioassay Platform for Environmental Monitoring

    • Gpro Talks - ' Functional Bioassay Platform for Environmental Monitoring'-Audio