Course Description

Groundwater impacts at mining sites are often comingled mixtures of sulfate, associated with the sulfuric acid leach solutions commonly used in mineral extraction, as well as various metals associated with the ore body or host rock being mined. The focus of the research presentation is the development of cost effective and reliable processes for biologically reducing sulfate, yielding biological and abiotic chemical processes that result in the precipitation or geological sequestration of the metal-based contaminants present in the groundwater at mining sites.

This presentation describes the development and microcosm testing of SiREM’s MB-1® sulfate reduction consortium, grown in water from a metal impacted mine site located in Chile. This research is ongoing and is the basis of new in-situ passive approaches and bioremediation products for remediating metal-based groundwater contamination at mining sites.

Trevor Carlson

Mr. Carlson, a Principal Remediation Specialist with Geosyntec Consultants based in Saskatoon, is a Saskatchewan QP with 24 years of industry, consulting and regulatory experience.  He has overseen more than 1,000 impacted site assessments and 400 remediation projects.  Throughout his career, Trevor has become a recognized expert in site assessment, remediation, industrial facility licensing / permitting and the strategic management of impacted site portfolios. He is excited about using innovation, good science and creativity to create value, solve problems and turn challenges into sound business opportunities. Trevor has a track record of collaborating with industry and academia on environmental research projects focused on developing sustainable, innovative methods for managing industry environmental impairment challenges.  He focuses on finding the best way to manage challenging projects based on site specific factors and stakeholder needs. He takes pride in helping to develop move forward solutions.  Solutions that meet the needs of all stakeholders and that help create organizational and social value. 

Course curriculum

  • 1

    GPro Talks - In-Situ Biological Treatment of Metals Impacted Groundwater

    • Discussion

    • Gpro Talks - In-Situ Biological Treatment of Metals Impacted Groundwater- Video

    • GPro Talks -Managing Complex Sites with High Resolution Site Characterization and Focused Remediation- Audio

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  • $150.00 / year

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