GeoPro Talks - New guidance for federal risk assessments: Amphibians, Birds, and Wildlife
Webinar Wednesdays
The talk highlights the use of phytoremediation in Northeastern BC to remediate heavier end petroleum hydrocarbons (i.e., more recalcitrant compounds). An overview of site conditions (location, soils), regulatory requirements and client needs will be discussed along with the remedial option selection process. Several different plant species were planted to determine if one or more species was better suited to the contaminants and the climate. One of the projects goals was to use the information gathered from this project to determine if phytoremediation would be an effective remediation technology at similar land farms owned by the client.
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">The Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan is publishing 2 new guidance documents: one in support of amphibian ecological risk assessment and the other on default TRVs for mammals and birds. In this talk, Erin Shankie and Elissa Liu from Environment and Climate Change Canada will highlight the intent of these guidance documents and how they can potentially help guide ecological risk assessments.
Erin Shankie & Elissa Liu
New guidance for federal risk assessments_ Amphibians, Birds, and Wildlife